Moteur de recherche d’entreprises européennes

Financement de l’UE (20 M €) : Communautés circulaires positives pour le climat Hor15/09/2021 Programme de recherche et d'innovation de l'UE « Horizon »


Communautés circulaires positives pour le climat

The vision of the ARV project is to contribute to speedy wide scale implementation of Climate Positive Circular Communities (CPCC) where people can thrive and prosper for generations to come. The overall aim is to demonstrate and validate attractive, resilient, and affordable solutions for CPCC that will significantly speed up the deep energy renovations and the deployment of energy and climate measures in the construction and energy industries. To achieve this, the ARV project will employ a novel concept relying on a combination of 3 conceptual pillars, 6 demonstration projects, and 9 thematic focus areas. The 3 conceptual pillars are integration, circularity and simplicity. Integration in ARV means the coupling of people, buildings, and energy systems, through multi-stakeholder co-creation and use of innovative digital tools. Circularity in ARV means a systematic way of addressing circular economy through automated use of LCA, digital logbooks and material banks. Simplicity in ARV means to make the solutions easy to understand and use for all stakeholders, from manufacturers to end-users. The 6 demos are urban regeneration projects in 6 locations around Europe. They have been carefully selected to represent the different European climates and contexts, and due to their high ambitions in environmental, social and economic sustainability. Renovation of social housing and public buildings are specifically focused. Together, they will demonstrate more than 50 innovations in more than 150,00 m2 of buildings. The 9 thematic focus areas are 1) Effective planning and implementation of CPCCs, 2) Citizen engagement, environment and well-being, 3) Sustainable building re(design) 4) Resource efficient manufacturing and construction workflows, 5) Integrated renewables and storage, 6) Energy management and flexibility, 7) Monitoring and evaluation, 8) Business models, financial mechanisms, policy and exploitation, 9) Communication, dissemination, and stakeholder outreach.

????????? ??????? ?? ??????? 394 500 €
???????? ?????????? ???? 139 108 €
??????? ??? 0,00 €
?????????? ?? ????? ?? ???????? 1 337 789 €
??? ????????????????? ???? 274 531 €
???? ?? ???? ?????????? ??????????? ???? 147 656 €
Center Danmark Drift ApS 600 295 €
????? ?????? ????? ????????? ? ????? 1 303 524 €
Comite Europeen de Coordination de l'Habitat Social Aisbl 336 693 €
Conseil des Architectes d'Europe 301 785 €
Danfoss A/S 220 019 €
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet 813 554 €
????????? ??????????? ???????? ????? ?? 1 022 389 €
???????? ??????? ????????? ??? 302 164 €
????? ?? 296 643 €
????? ??????? ??? 0,00 €
???????? ???????? ?? ??????? ?? ????????? ?? ????????? 1 050 779 €
Gemeente Utrecht 239 688 €
????????? ?????? ?? ?? ???????? 621 556 €
Iwell B.V. 149 844 €
?? ? ?????????? ???? 149 844 €
Metrovacesa SA 201 670 €
???? ????? ?? 81 897 €
Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet Ntnu 2 078 806 €
Oslo Kommune 562 846 €
Politecnico DI Torino 345 938 €
Project Zero A/S 416 563 €
?? ?????? ???? 197 313 €
Sintef AS 1 942 573 €
?????????? ??????????????????? 318 094 €
?????????? ????? ??????? 119 751 €
????????? ????? ?? 1 039 063 €
????????? ?????????? ??????? 878 438 €
Stichting Woonin 482 188 €
?????????? ????? ????? ?? ?????? 391 250 €
Universiteit Utrecht 494 063 €
????? ???????? ??? 0,00 €

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