Moteur de recherche d’entreprises européennes

Financement de l’UE (4 677 788 €) : Vers un écosystème de gestion Fog-to-Cloud ouvert, sécurisé, décentralisé et coordonné Hor02/11/2016 Programme de recherche et d'innovation de l'UE « Horizon »


Vers un écosystème de gestion Fog-to-Cloud ouvert, sécurisé, décentralisé et coordonné

Fog computing brings cloud computing capabilities closer to the end-device and users, while enabling location-dependent resource allocation, low latency services, and extending significantly the IoT services portfolio as well as market and business opportunities in the cloud sector. With the number of devices exponentially growing globally, new cloud and fog models are expected to emerge, paving the way for shared, collaborative, extensible mobile, volatile and dynamic compute, storage and network infrastructure. When put together, cloud and fog computing create a new stack of resources, which we refer to as Fog-to-Cloud (F2C), creating the need for a new, open and coordinated management ecosystem. The mF2C proposal sets the goal of designing an open, secure, decentralized, multi-stakeholder management framework, including novel programming models, privacy and security, data storage techniques, service creation, brokerage solutions, SLA policies, and resource orchestration methods. The proposed framework is expected to set the foundations for a novel distributed system architecture, developing a proof-of-concept system and platform, to be tested and validated in real-world use cases, as envisioned by the industrial partners in the consortium with significant interest in rapid innovation in the cloud computing sector.

???? ?????????? ???????? ??? 0,00 €
Atos Spain SA 575 000 €
Barcelona Supercomputing Center Centro Nacional de Supercomputacion 451 250 €
??????????? ???????? ??? 505 750 €
SIXSQ SA 36 750 €
?????????? ???????????? ???????????? 437 500 €
Tiscali Italia S.p.A. 0,00 €
United Kingdom Research and Innovation 521 413 €
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya 539 500 €
Worldsensing Ltd. 310 020 €
Worldsensing SL 0,00 €
Xlab Razvoj Programske Opreme IN Svetovanje d.o.o. 418 125 €

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