Moteur de recherche d’entreprises européennes

Financement de l’UE (7 826 081 €) : De nouvelles niches de marché pour les déchets de l’industrie des pâtes et papiers basées sur des approches d’économie circulaire Hor22/05/2017 Programme de recherche et d'innovation de l'UE « Horizon »


De nouvelles niches de marché pour les déchets de l’industrie des pâtes et papiers basées sur des approches d’économie circulaire

Europe is the second world producer of pulp and paper, manufacturing 130 million tonnes in 2014 and representing 23% of world production. The EU pulp and paper manufacturing and converting industries generate an annual turnover of €180 billion, representing 1,26% of the European GDP. In particular, the Pulp and Paper industry (PPI) has a turnover of €75 billion, comprises 920 plants and provides 180,000 jobs in Europe directly, and 1.5 million in the value chain. This sector is resource intensive and produces 11 million tonnes of waste yearly . It has been found that 25-40% of municipal solid waste generated each year worldwide is paper-related. Furthermore, Europe is nowadays facing the challenge of resource scarcity and more efficient use. If managed in a sustainable manner, PPI waste can become a valuable raw material for other resource intensive industries such as the construction (i.e 5,4 billion tonnes of raw material consumption) or the chemical industry (1 billion tonnes). Mining industry waste generation is estimated at up to 20.000 million tons of solid waste yearly, and relevant part of this waste needs to be kept in environmental safety conditions, which in turn implies additional use of resources (e.g borrow materials). New widespread markets are needed to extend the valorisation operations, reduce the landfilling rates and increase the competitiveness of the PPIs creating new added value markets for their inorganic waste. The overall objective of PAPERCHAIN is to deploy five novel circular economy models centred in the valorisation of the waste streams generated by the PPI as secondary raw material for a number of resource intensive sectors: construction sector, mining sector and chemical industry. PAPERCHAIN aims to unlock the potential of a resource efficient model based on industrial symbiosis which will demonstrate the potential of the major non-hazardous waste streams generated by the PPI as valuable secondary raw material.

Acciona Construccion SA 723 625 €
Boliden Mineral AB 330 253 €
Domsjo Fabriker AB 237 738 €
Dusan Holesek 386 480 €
Fundacion Gaiker 335 733 €
Fundacion Tecnalia Research & Innovation 579 238 €
Greenize Projects SL 248 978 €
LGI Sustainable Innovation 337 750 €
????? ???????? ??????????? 594 298 €
??????? ? ??????????? ? ????? ???????? ?? 224 562 €
Nouryon Functional Chemicals AB 226 034 €
???? ? ????????? ?? ???????????? ?????????? ? ????? 0,00 €
Rise Processum AB 1 365 531 €
????? ? ????????? ?? ?????????????? ?? ?????? ???? 119 522 €
Sekab Biofuels & Chemicals AB 211 969 €
????????? ????????? ???????????????????? ?? ??????????? ?? ??????????? ?????????? ?????????????? ??? ??????? ???????????? ??????? ?????? 37 406 €
???????????? ?? ?????? 438 573 €
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya 486 563 €
Vipap Videm Krsko Proizvodnja Papirja IN Vlaknin D.D. 101 281 €
Zavod ZA Gradbenistvo Slovenije 656 250 €

Cette annonce se réfère à une date antérieure et ne reflète pas nécessairement l’état actuel.

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