Moteur de recherche d’entreprises européennes

Financement de l’UE (4 997 035 €) : Le Big Data industriel en tant que solution en libre-service Hor01/01/2018 Programme de recherche et d'innovation de l'UE « Horizon »

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Le Big Data industriel en tant que solution en libre-service

Organizations leverage data pools to drive value, while it is variety, not volume or velocity, which drives big-data investments. The convergence of IoT, cloud, and big data, create new opportunities for self-service analytics towards a completely paradigm towards big data analytics. Human and machine created data is being aggregated, transforming our economy and society. To face these challenges, companies call upon expert analysts and consultants to assist them. A self-service solution will be transformative for organizations, it will empower their employees with the right knowledge, and give the true decision-makers the insights they need to make the right decisions. It will shift the power balance within an organization, increase efficiency, reduce costs, improve employee empowerment, and increase profitability. I-BiDaaS aims to empower users to easily utilize and interact with big data technologies, by designing, building, and demonstrating, a unified solution that: significantly increases the speed of data analysis while coping with the rate of data asset growth, and facilitates cross-domain data-flow towards a thriving data-driven EU economy. I-BiDaaS will achieve its goals following a methodical approach. As a first step, it has guaranteed access to real-world industry big data. I-BiDaaS will proceed with breaking intrer- and intra-sectorial data-silos, and support data sharing, exchange, and interoperability. Having done so, it will support methodical big data experimentation by putting in place a safe data processing environment. To foster experimentation, I-BiDaaS will develop data processing tools and techniques applicable in real-world settings. I-BiDaaS will be tangibly validated by three real-world, industry-lead experiments, in the domains of banking, manufacturing, and telecommunications. The I-BiDaaS solution will help increase the efficiency and competitiveness of EU companies.

Aegis IT Research Ltd. 319 375 €
Atos IT Solutions AND Services Iberia SL 0,00 €
Atos Spain SA 348 750 €
Barcelona Supercomputing Center Centro Nacional de Supercomputacion 385 000 €
Caixabank SA 406 875 €
Centro Ricerche Fiat Scpa 347 000 €
Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees 253 750 €
?????? ???????????? ??? ??????? 600 000 €
Information Technology FOR Market Leadership 322 500 €
SOFTWARE AG 423 000 €
Telefonica Investigacion y Desarrollo SA 360 074 €
The University of Manchester 348 750 €
?????????? ?? ???? ??? ??????? ?? ???????? 323 211 €

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