Moteur de recherche d’entreprises européennes

Financement de l’UE (3 960 582 €) : Recherche et développement à l’appui de l’initiative GEMINI Hor12/07/2017 Programme de recherche et d'innovation de l'UE « Horizon »

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Recherche et développement à l’appui de l’initiative GEMINI

GEMINI+ project proposal will be submitted to the European Commission addressing the 2016 Euratom call for proposals (deadline October 5th, 2016). GEMINI+ project will provide a conceptual design for a high temperature nuclear cogeneration system for supply of process steam to industry, a framework for the licensing of such system and a business plan for a full scale demonstration . It will rely on modular High Temperature Gas cooled Reactor (HTGR) technology, which is a mature technology with several industrial prototypes that have been constructed and operated in the world. Therefore the time scale for the industrial deployment of such nuclear cogeneration systems is the decade. With available materials and technology, such a system can provide steam to industrial steam distribution networks presently operating on industrial sites up to 550˚C, simply substituting to fossil fuel fired cogeneration plants, without any need for adaptation of the steam distribution infrastructure or of the industrial applications. In the longer term, HTGR technology can be further developed to provide higher temperature process heat. Based on its huge thermal inertia, its refractory fuel and core structural materials, on the use of helium, which is chemically inert, as coolant, and of a specific design limited to a few hundred Megawatts, modular HTGRs have a unique intrinsic safety concept preventing in any circumstances significant degradation of the nuclear fuel and consecutive radioactive releases, with no need of any human intervention. Beyond industrial cogeneration, the flexibility, robustness and simple design of modular HTGR will allow extending application of the system developed by GEMINI+ to small isolated electric grids, to electric grids with increasing proportion of intermittent renewables, to new nuclear countries, etc.

AREVA GmbH 17 296,20 €
?????? ?????? ?????????? 11 778,15 €
Centrum Vyzkumu Rez s.r.o. 103 375 €
Empresarios Agrupados Internacional SA 268 200 €
Energoprojekt-Warszawa SA 124 714 €
FRAMATOME GmbH 88 464 €
Institut de Radioprotection et de Surete Nucleaire 87 486 €
??? ?????? ???????? ??????? ???????? ?????????? 171 698 €
Jacobs Clean Energy Ltd. 214 785 €
????? ?????? ?????? ?????? 0,00 €
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute 0,00 €
Kuijper James Cristian 155 200 €
LGI Sustainable Innovation 635 221 €
???????? ??????????? ?????????? 28 168 €
Narodowe Centrum Badan Jadrowych 222 648 €
???? ???????? ???????? ???? 0,00 €
??????? ???????? ??? ??????????? ????? 168 500 €
Prochem SA 97 600 €
??? ????????? ????????? ??????? ???? 200 118 €
Tauron Polska Energia SA 120 875 €
??? ?????????? ?? ????????? 104 984 €
Tractebel Engineering SA 81 217 €
??? ??? ?? 69 618 €
Ultra Safe Nuclear Corporation Europe 176 125 €

Cette annonce se réfère à une date antérieure et ne reflète pas nécessairement l’état actuel.

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