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Financement de l’UE (2 018 308 €) : UP-Raising Communities : Structurer l’action collective pour une transition locale durable et identifier des solutions réglementaires pour l’adoption de … Hor23/04/2020 Programme de recherche et d'innovation de l'UE « Horizon »

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UP-Raising Communities : Structurer l’action collective pour une transition locale durable et identifier des solutions réglementaires pour l’adoption de technologies de pointe et de modèles d’affaires disruptifs

The residential sector has a significant role to play in achieving the EUs binding target of 32.5% energy efficiency saving by 2030. Recent EU Directives have advanced definitions for two types of energy communities. A ‘Renewable Energy Community’ and a ‘Citizens Energy Community’. While there are similarities between the two, there are key differences - their structure and ability to participate as a market actor. There is limited available information published in an approachable manner that explains these differences. Thus organising an energy community requires a great deal of expertise. The regular consumer often feels side-lined and unable to participate. The UP-STAIRS project addresses these issues with a goal to accelerate the growth of energy communities by providing a common framework. UP-STAIRS removes the barriers to citizen participation in the transition from a consumer-market to a ‘prosumer-market’. This transition requires active learning and participation from all stakeholders. The UP-STAIRS Energy Service Framework enables Local Authorities and Citizens to work together through a common structure embodied in a one-stop-shop. This common structure includes business models and decision support for energy assessment of a community’s energy potential. UP-STAIRS provides a full service information repository on policy and regulatory advice which will give the UP-STAIRS Implementation Champion the confidence to understand the impact that their energy community can make into the market. Community support is through a compendium of energy tutorials on key topics including behaviour change, prosumerism, collective actions and their benefit to consumers, and what it means to become an energy citizen in a sustainable energy community. The UP-STAIRS project consists of 1 RPO, 1 NGO, 1 consultancy organisation, 1 SME, 1 National Energy Authority, 1 Regional Energy Authority, 3 Municipalities/city councils and 1 consumer organisation from 7 member states.

Area Metropolitana de Barcelona 182 750 €
Asociacion Ecoserveis 228 125 €
??????????? ?? ??????? ?????????????? 26 281 €
???? ???? ??????? 203 125 €
??? ???????????? ?? ?????????????? ?????? 146 713 €
Energiesparverband Oberosterreich 183 313 €
Krajowa Agencja Poszanowania Energii SA 142 438 €
???????? ?????????? 161 250 €
Sofia Energy Centre Ltd. 206 000 €

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