Moteur de recherche d’entreprises européennes

Financement de l’UE (7 999 097 €) : EuroMix Hor05/05/2015 Programme de recherche et d'innovation de l'UE « Horizon »

Vue d’ensemble



Euromix aim to develop an experimentally verified, tiered strategy for the risk assessment of mixtures of multiple chemicals derived from multiple sources across different life stages. The project takes account of the gender dimension and balances the risk of chemicals present in foods against the benefits of those foods. Important concepts for this new strategy are prioritisation criteria for chemicals based on their exposure and hazard characteristics and evaluation of the role of mode of action in grouping chemicals into cumulative assessment groups. In-silico and in-vitro tools will be developed and verified against in-vivo experiments, with focus on four selected endpoints (liver, hormones, development and immunology) to provide a full proof-of-principle. The EuroMix project will result in an innovative platform of bioassays for mixture testing and refined categorisation of chemicals in cumulative assessment groups. New hazard and exposure models will be embedded in a model toolbox, made available for stakeholders through an openly accessible web-based platform. Access to the web-based tools will be facilitated by training. Criteria will be set and guidance will be written on how to use and implement the tiered test strategy. Dissemination and harmonisation of the approach within EU, Codex Alimentarius, and WHO will be achieved by involving a.o. WHO and US-EPA in the project and by the participation of experts playing a key role in helping establish international food safety policies. It is expected that the new mechanism-based strategy, the bioassay platform, the openly accessible web-based model toolbox, and clear guidance on a tiered hazard and exposure test and risk assessment strategy will boost innovation in the public and private sector, provide a sound scientific basis for managing risks to public health from chemical mixtures, ultimately reduce the use of laboratory animals, and support the global discussion of risk assessment policies for mixtures.

Agence Nationale de la Securite Sanitaire de L Alimentation de L Environnement et du Travail 449 286 €
?????????????? ??? ??????????????? 797 875 €
Benaki Phytopathological Institute 249 633 €
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet 74 982 €
European Fresh Produce Association Aisbl 48 750 €
Fera Science Ltd. 371 039 €
Folkehelseinstituttet 497 738 €
???????? ???????????? ?? ???????? 0,00 €
Health and Safety Executive 13 229,16 €
Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine 297 500 €
Institut National de L Environnement Industriel et des Risques - Ineris 298 144 €
Institut National de Recherche Pour l'Agriculture, l'Alimentation et l'Environnement 348 341 €
Karolinska Institutet 484 702 €
Matis OHF 313 681 €
???????? ?? ?????? ?? ??? ???????? ?? ?????? 50 000 €
?????????? ???????? ?? ????? ??????? 50 313 €
?????????????? ???? ??????????????? ?? ?????? 1 024 700 €
Statni Zdravotni Ustav 75 093 €
Stichting Wageningen Research 1 186 874 €
??? ????????? ?? ????? ??? ???????????, ???? ??? ????? ??????? 0,00 €
???? ????????????? ?????????? ?????? ? ??? 0,00 €
Universita Degli Studi DI Milano 592 539 €
??????????? ?????? ? ??????? 425 720 €
Universiteit Gent 348 958 €
University OF Ottawa 0,00 €

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