Moteur de recherche d’entreprises européennes

Financement de l’UE (9 345 421 €) : Intégrer l’infrastructure de recherche pour l’expertise européenne en matière de croissance inclusive, des données aux politiques Hor01/05/2017 Programme de recherche et d'innovation de l'UE « Horizon »

Vue d’ensemble


Intégrer l’infrastructure de recherche pour l’expertise européenne en matière de croissance inclusive, des données aux politiques

Referring to the increasingly challenging EU2020-ambitions of Inclusive Growth , the objectives of the InGRID-2 project are to advance the integration and innovation of distributed social sciences research infrastructures (RI) on ‘povety, living conditions and social policies’ as well as ‘working conditions, vulnerability and labour policies’. InGRID-2 will extend transnational on-site and virtual access, organize mutual learning and discussions of innovations, and improve data services and facilities of comparative research. The focus areas are a) integrated and harmonized data, (b) links between policy and practice, and (c) indicator-building tools. Lead users are social scientist involved in comparative research to provide new evidence for European policy innovations. Key science actors and their stakeholders are coupled in the consortium to provide expert services to users of comparative research infrastructures by investing in collaborative efforts to better integrate micro-data, identify new ways of collecting data, establish and improve harmonized classification tools, extend available policy databases, optimize statistical quality, and set-up microsimulation environments and indicator-building tools as important means of valorization. Helping scientists to enhance their expertise from data to policy is the advanced mission of InGRID-2. A research portal will be the gateway to this IRI. Networking activities will provide initiation (summer schools), in-depth discussions (expert workshops), and help to promote necessary innovations for sustainable inclusive growth. Extending the RI to all EU countries is an important mission on the agenda for InGRID-2. Based on surveyed users’ needs, joint research activities are conducted in the focus areas and concentrate on extending data integrations, exploring new data linkage and sources, innovating microsimulation tools, improving comparative policy data, and investigating new high-quality indicators.

Centralny Instytut Ochrony Pracy - Panstwowy Instytut Badawczy 111 100 €
Centre for European Policy Studies 511 293 €
?????? ?? ???????? ???????????? 457 708 €
Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers 378 041 €
????????? ???????? ??? ???????????????????? ??? ????????? ??? ???????????????????? ?? ?? 241 425 €
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven 1 326 937 €
????? ? ?????????? ????????? ?? ?????????????? ???????? 823 820 €
?????????? ?????? ????? ???? 252 587 €
??????? ???????????? ?????????? ???????????? ????????? 122 050 €
Stockholms Universitet 670 385 €
Stredoeuropsky Institut PRE Vyskum Prace 315 970 €
????? ?????????????????? ??????? ???? 467 747 €
The University of Manchester 334 769 €
Universita DI Pisa 232 000 €
Universiteit Antwerpen 810 066 €
Universiteit Van Amsterdam 590 266 €
University of Essex 903 176 €
University of Southampton 356 812 €

Cette annonce se réfère à une date antérieure et ne reflète pas nécessairement l’état actuel.

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