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Financement de l’UE (3 818 523 €) : Expliquer l’Inde dans le monde : un programme de formation doctorale multisectoriel analysant l’émergence de l’Inde en tant qu’acteur mondial Hor15/03/2017 Programme de recherche et d'innovation de l'UE « Horizon »

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Expliquer l’Inde dans le monde : un programme de formation doctorale multisectoriel analysant l’émergence de l’Inde en tant qu’acteur mondial

The GLOBAL INDIA ETN will deliver a world-class multi-sectoral doctoral training programme focused on India’s emergence as a global and regional power, and its relationship with the EU. International research on India’s global role has not kept pace with the changes to India’s status as a growing economy and significant international actor. This is reflected in the lack of PhD level training programmes in Europe that have a focus on India. Europe lacks a knowledge base on India, the ETN addresses this by creating a multidisciplinary, multi-sectoral network bringing together six leading European universities, with six leading Indian universities, and six non-university partners (one as a beneficiary), all of whom have previously collaborated together. India's actions as a global actor impact on the interests of the EU, and India as a democratic state could potentially be an ally for the EU on international issues that will affect the welfare and security of Europe. The quality of Indian democracy also shapes India’s actions as an international actor and therefore this programme examines the domestic challenges that are shaping Indian democracy and the key international actions of India that are most relevant to its relationship with Europe. The networks training programme is grounded in the academic excellence of the universities and the complimentarily of the strong, diverse range of non-academic partners – a representative business organisation, a consultancy SME; two think-tanks (in Brussels and New Delhi); a human rights organisation and a global company. The training programme requires that all ESRs will attend 9 network training events, providing workshops on skills (academic and practitioner), with inputs from all partners; complete an internship with a non-academic partner; and conduct extended period of field-work based in an Indian University. Key measurable outputs of the network will be 30 journal articles, 60 policy briefs and an active media presence.

Institut Barcelona D Estudis Internacionals, Fundacio Privada 495 746 €
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven 501 120 €
King's College London 546 576 €
???????? ???????? ????? 110 698 €
Uniwersytet Warszawski 448 275 €

Cette annonce se réfère à une date antérieure et ne reflète pas nécessairement l’état actuel.

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