Moteur de recherche d’entreprises européennes

Financement de l’UE (9 992 881 €) : Réseau européen sur l’arrêt cardiaque soudain : vers la prévention, l’éducation et le traitement des nouveaux accidents Hor15/12/2016 Programme de recherche et d'innovation de l'UE « Horizon »


Réseau européen sur l’arrêt cardiaque soudain : vers la prévention, l’éducation et le traitement des nouveaux accidents

Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) causes ~20% of all deaths in Europe. SCA is lethal within minutes if left untreated and survival rates are presently only 5-20%. Therefore, there is a large medical need to improve SCA prevention and treatment. Designing effective individualized prevention and treatment strategies requires knowledge on genetic and environmental risk factors. So far, these efforts have been hampered by the lack of sufficiently large study cohorts of SCA patients with detailed information. Obtaining SCA patient samples is challenging as the condition happens suddenly and unexpectedly. In this project, leading European scientific teams which have created large relevant population cohorts, mostly dedicated to SCA research, join forces to fully exploit available data towards improving SCA management. This will be done by: - Building an unique and growing database of >100.000 (DNA) samples including >20.000 SCA patient samples, by combining existing European databases and infrastructures. - Identifying risk factors (inherited, acquired, environmental) and first-response treatment strategies that may explain the differences in SCA occurrence and survival between European countries - Collaborating with professional networks, such as the European Heart Rhythm Association, and European Resuscitation Council, to translate the outcomes into changes in clinical practice and influencing European health policies on SCA management.

?????????? ??????? ??????? ??? ?? ???????????? ??? ????????? 2 618 679 €
???????? ???? 223 034 €
???? ????????? ??????? ???? 74 091 €
European Resuscitation Council 257 500 €
Fundacio Institut Hospital del Mar D Investigacions Mediques 290 313 €
Istituto Auxologico Italiano 665 625 €
Istituto DI Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri 347 281 €
Karolinska Institutet 640 000 €
??????? ???? 130 063 €
Region Hovedstaden 1 601 250 €
?? ?? ??????????? 268 171 €
Stichting Amsterdam UMC 345 125 €
Universita Degli Studi DI Pavia 138 688 €
Universita Degli Studi DI Torino 81 313 €
Universite Paris Cite 678 750 €
Zdravotnicka Zachranna Sluzba Kralovehradeckeho Kraje 136 938 €

Cette annonce se réfère à une date antérieure et ne reflète pas nécessairement l’état actuel.

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