Moteur de recherche d’entreprises européennes

Financement de l’UE (4 911 549 €) : Inspirer la participation de CitizeNS pour améliorer les actions de police communautaire Hor01/05/2015 Programme de recherche et d'innovation de l'UE « Horizon »

Vue d’ensemble


Inspirer la participation de CitizeNS pour améliorer les actions de police communautaire

INSPERCS C2T projects’ scope is to develop a sustainable framework for Community Policing that effectively addresses and promotes seamless collaboration between the police and the community. INSPERCS C2T approach bases its conceptual foundations on EU crime prevention and Member States specific Internal Security Policies, validated research results and best practices from cooperation between police and local, regional and national communities. This is perceived as an origin to apprehend special characteristics, particularities and determinants for trust between all stakeholders. INSPERCS C2T is focusing on a user-centric design and development approach, and has already mobilized and engaged a critical user group mass, in EU and abroad. With special emphasis on social media, it consolidates and modernizes bidirectional communication of stakeholders, using multi-level anonymity flags and having a clear understanding of acceptability issues. Driven from accommodated transnational and multicultural best practices, it adheres to an approach where social, cultural, legal and ethical dimensions are embedded into core user centric design specifications and implementation procedures. INSPERCS C2T will be demonstrated and validated in 5 EU cities by a wide range of relevant stakeholders. INSPERCS C2T engagement and active participation is stimulated through fully dynamic, interactive and immersive training Serious Game applications that empower players to familiarize themselves with the system, gain an intuitive understanding of its functionalities and motivate their engagement in Community Policing activities. Special focus will be given to Community Policing awareness raising activities for both police and citizens. The above activities and associated results, will provide a solid foundation for the evolution of the Next Generation Community Policing roadmap in Europe.

Additess Advanced Integrated Technology Solutions & Services Ltd. 348 125 €
Ayuntamiento de Valencia 135 000 €
??? ????????? ???? 373 993 €
Eticas Research AND Consulting SL 196 850 €
Exus Software Ltd. 180 000 €
????????? ?????? ?? ??????????? ?? ??????????? ?????? ? ?????????????? ????????? 315 000 €
IMC Diachirisi Pliroforion Kai Epikinonion Anonymos Etairia 252 500 €
?????? ??????? ????????? 445 625 €
?????????? ??? ???????? 121 875 €
Nederlandse Organisatie Voor Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek TNO 456 296 €
Netcompany-Intrasoft SA 350 000 €
Playgen Ltd. 210 660 €
Satways-Olokliromenes Lyseis Asfaleias Kai Amynas-Idiotiki Epicheirisi Parochis Ypiresion Asfaleias (Iepya)-Etaireia Periorismenis Efthynis 317 500 €
??? ????? ????????? ?? ?????????? ???????????? 206 250 €
Trilateral Research Ltd. 264 375 €
University of Ulster 222 500 €
Vicesse Research GmbH 288 750 €

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