Moteur de recherche d’entreprises européennes

Financement de l’UE (6 999 996 €) : Développement intégré de l’aquaculture méditerranéenne Hor01/05/2017 Programme de recherche et d'innovation de l'UE « Horizon »

Vue d’ensemble


Développement intégré de l’aquaculture méditerranéenne

Production and productivity of Mediterranean marine fish aquaculture, mainly seabass and seabream, are stagnating or growing slowly as a result of multiple and interrelated causes. To accomplish the objective of improving its competitiveness and sustainability, MedAID is structured in a first interdisciplinary WP to assess technical, environmental, market, socioeconomic and governance weaknesses, and in several specialized WPs exploring innovative solutions, followed by an integrating WP, which will provide codes of practice and innovative tool-boxes throughout the value chain to enhance the sector performance holistically. Various stakeholders will interact in the consultation, communication, dissemination and training WPs ensuring practical orientation of the project and results implementation. Biological performance (nutrition, health and genetics) will be scrutinized to identify and quantify the relevant components to improve Key Performance Indicators (KPIs: growth rates, mortality and feed efficiency), thus contributing to increase production efficiency. Economic, business, marketing, environmental, social, administrative and legal factors will be addressed to obtain integrated solutions to shift towards a market-oriented and consumer-responsible business and to face the multiple administrative, environmental and social issues constraining competitiveness and public acceptance. An interdisciplinary consortium of research and industrial partners will carry out R&D and case study activities to close the existing gaps. Mediterranean countries (EU and non-EU) with significant aquaculture production are represented. Northern European R&D institutions will participate by bringing successful technological tools and integrated approaches that Mediterranean aquaculture is missing today. MedAID will impact the sector positively by providing innovative tools, integrated marketing and business plans and by improving the sector image, sustainability and governance.

Aarhus Universitet 200 873 €
Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas 129 094 €
Alma Mater Studiorum - Universita DI Bologna 197 298 €
Avdelas Lamprakis 58 694 €
??????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?? ?????????? ????? ????? ? ??????? ???????? ???????? 28 375 €
?????? ?? ???????? ?? ??? ?? ??????? 90 204 €
Compagnie Ittiche Riunite Societa'Agricola Srl 25 875 €
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet 254 588 €
Dibaq Diproteg SA 114 625 €
??? ?????????? 117 813 €
Fundacion Azti - Azti Fundazioa 536 188 €
???????? ?????? ???? ?? 107 266 €
Hellenic Centre FOR Marine Research 531 000 €
???????? ???????????? ???????? 125 041 €
Institut Francais de Recherche Pour l'Exploitation de la mer 214 526 €
???????? ???????? ??? ???????? ?? ???????????? ?? ?? ??? 107 875 €
Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentaries 596 900 €
Isidro 1952 SL 6 107,24 €
Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale Delle Venezie 211 340 €
Kobenhavns Universitet 105 198 €
????????????? ????????? ????????? ?? ???????? ? ????????????? ?????? ??? ???????? ????????????? ????????? ??????? 594 443 €
???????? ????????? ?? ???????????? ??? ????????? 38 063 €
????? ??????? ??????????? 62 188 €
Nofima AS 203 688 €
?????? ?? ??????? ????? ?? ?????? 34 168 €
Samfunns-og Naeringslivsforskning AS 234 750 €
Scea les Poissons du Soleil 52 375 €
Stichting Wageningen Research 153 885 €
??? ???? ??? ??????????? ???????????? ?? ??? ?????? ??????? 280 391 €
The University of Edinburgh 407 153 €
Universidad de Cantabria 411 188 €
??????????? ?? ?????? 56 250 €
Universite de Bretagne Occidentale 267 625 €
Veterinaerinstituttet 200 403 €
?????????? ?????????? 244 553 €

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