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Financement de l’UE (1 499 871 €) : PROSpection multidisciplinaire et développement continu des compétences pour les principes NZEB Hor01/03/2015 Programme de recherche et d'innovation de l'UE « Horizon »

Vue d’ensemble


PROSpection multidisciplinaire et développement continu des compétences pour les principes NZEB

A successful design and construction process for NZE buildings and renovation requires to follow an integrated design approach and to work in multi-disciplinary teams. However, this approach is still not common PROF-TRAC offers a solution for this barrier by developing and maintaining an education platform for dedicated trainings and continuous development for professionals, i.e., both technical experts as architects, in integrated multi-disciplinary approach for nZEB principles, in a Post Graduate qualification/curriculum. PROF-TRAC has the following objectives: 1. Mapping of the required skills and current skills gap of professionals in NZEB. 2. Development of an open training platform including methods for a systematic and sustainable access to knowledge. 3. Development of a Train the Trainers programme for the developed curriculum and/or qualification scheme This training programme will be tested on a national scale in six national pilots and on an international scale by a train-the-trainer program provided by two EU umbrella organisations representing engineers (REHVA) and architects (ACE). 4. Development of a repository of the training material for use in education and post-initial education PROF-TRAC is specifically targeting the need to train architects, engineers, building managers and other building professionals in the necessary skills for designing, constructing, managing and operating NZE construction and retrofitting. The proposed approach will lead to a substantial reduction of skills mismatch for professionals, Increased managerial capacity to support innovation and sustainable energy use in buildings through new leadership, design, construction and management skills for professionals at middle and senior level and fostering of a better cooperation between disciplines. PROF-TRAC is building upon previous IEE projects (BuildUpSkills, IDES-EDU etc.) and is initiated by the largest European associations for the sector (REHVA, ACE, CECODHAS).

Aalborg Universitet 85 375 €
????? ?????? ?????????????? ??????? ? ???????? 47 625 €
????? ?????? ????? ????????? ? ????? 125 500 €
Comite Europeen de Coordination de l'Habitat Social Aisbl 52 125 €
Conseil des Architectes d'Europe 111 000 €
????????? ????????? ????? ?????????? ????????????? ??????????? ? ???????????? 72 625 €
Danvak ApS 89 600 €
????????? ??? ???????????? ???? ?????????? ?? ???????????????? ?? ?????? ????? 239 500 €
?????????? 74 048 €
???????? ?????? ????????? ??????????? 61 058 €
?????? ??????????? ????????? 162 500 €
Instituto Valenciano de La Edificacion Fundacion 96 248 €
??????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???? ???????????? ?? ???????? ???? 77 000 €
????????? ???? 162 675 €
???????? ?? ??????????? ?? ???????????????? 42 994 €

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