Moteur de recherche d’entreprises européennes

UK funding (201 249 £) : Calcul de l’albédo urbain dans les zones de haute latitude : une approche expérimentale Ukri01/08/2017 UK Research and Innovation, Royaume Uni

Vue d’ensemble


Calcul de l’albédo urbain dans les zones de haute latitude : une approche expérimentale

Abstract The proposed research will develop a novel experimental and modelling study for the computation of urban albedo in high latitude locations, using London as a representative urban environment in the UK. This work is primarily motivated by the need to provide accurate albedo estimates for urban configurations, as such calculations are lacking in most Urban Heat Island (UHI) models used to mitigate its effects. The research will investigate the seasonal effects of albedo on urban temperature. Albedo intervention can bring substantial positive effects during the summer while marginal negative effects are expected in winter. In mild climates such a negative effect might out-weigh summer benefits. It is possible that seasonal intervention on the urban fabric could give an overall positive impact but for this, accurate computation of urban albedo is required at urban design or intervention stage. These issues will be investigated in the proposed study which has three aims; (a) to investigate experimentally the impact of urban fabric on urban albedo; (b) to develop a catalogue of urban albedo for various material and geometrical combinations and (c) to develop an empirical model to predict changes in urban albedo in relation to changes in urban fabric and solar altitude with a specific focus on advanced materials. This aim will be achieved through an extensive experimental study that includes field and laboratory scale measurements, computer modelling, and followed by the development of an urban albedo calculator that is able to explore seasonal variations. The Urban Albedo Calculator values could be used to predict the urban heat island with greater confidence.
Category Research Grant
Reference EP/P025153/1
Status Closed
Funded period start 01/08/2017
Funded period end 31/01/2021
Funded value £201 249,00

Participating Organisations

Loughborough University
Ibstock Brick Limited

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