Moteur de recherche d’entreprises européennes

UK funding (372 289 £) : Base structurelle de l’acquisition de nutriments par les membres dominants du microbiote intestinal Ukri01/04/2017 UK Research and Innovation, Royaume Uni

Vue d’ensemble


Base structurelle de l’acquisition de nutriments par les membres dominants du microbiote intestinal

Abstract The large bowel is colonised by an extremely dense population of bacteria, collectively termed the colonic microbiota. Recent research indicates that the microbiota play an important role in maintaining normal health and nutrition. Imbalances in the microbiota have been linked to a wide range of diseases from autoimmune disease to cancer and obesity. The function and composition of the microbiota is dependent on the ability of individual micro-organisms to acquire nutrients such as starch and other dietary polysaccharides in the highly competitive environment of the human large bowel. This process of nutrient acquisition is carried out by protein machines embedded in the bacterial cell envelope. In many microbiota members, this machine is a two-component complex consisting of a substrate binding protein (termed SusD) and a channel-forming transport protein (termed SusC). We have determined the first three-dimensional atomic structure of a SusCD complex by X-ray crystallography and have obtained good-quality crystals for another SusCD complex. These exciting preliminary data form the basis of this proposal, in which we will elucidate in detail how these SusCD complexes transport their substrates into the bacterial cell. By answering a number of "how does it happen?" questions, our project will provide fundamental insights into the functioning of the microbiota and understanding the human-microbiota symbiosis. Importantly, such results will be a timely and necessary complement to most current microbiota research, which is focused on answering questions such as "who is there and when?". By linking mechanistic and systems biology, our project could also have practical implications by providing insights to manipulate the composition of the microbiota via interference with critical nutrient uptake processes.
Category Research Grant
Reference BB/P003192/1
Status Closed
Funded period start 01/04/2017
Funded period end 31/03/2020
Funded value £372 289,00

Participating Organisations

Newcastle University

Cette annonce se réfère à une date antérieure et ne reflète pas nécessairement l’état actuel. L’état actuel est présenté à la page suivante : University OF Newcastle Upon Tyne CHARITY, Newcastle upon Tyne, Royaume Uni.

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