Moteur de recherche d’entreprises européennes

UK funding (64 849 £) : Sphingolipides bactériens - révélant les voies de biosynthèse cachées des acteurs clés des interactions hôte-microbe. Ukri01/04/2021 UK Research and Innovation, Royaume Uni

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Sphingolipides bactériens - révélant les voies de biosynthèse cachées des acteurs clés des interactions hôte-microbe.

Abstract Animal and bacterial cells have a protective, water-resistant outer shell that is composed of molecules with a water-loving (hydrophilic) head group and a long, water-hating (hydrophobic) tail. This large family of molecules are called lipids and include common things like saturated/unsaturated fats and cholesterol. One particular sub-family of lipids is called sphingolipids (SLs) and their more complex ceramide versions (which have two fatty tails). The SLs not only play structural roles in the outer shell that allow the cell membrane to resist water and let nutrients in and waste out; they are also able to stimulate the human immune system. SL levels are dynamic but also tightly controlled - any increase or decrease in the cellular SL levels is a sign that something has gone wrong. Changes in SL levels are strongly linked with old age and diseases such as Alzheimer's, diabetes, asthma, cancer and nerve-wasting diseases. An exciting area of research with direct implications for human health is the discovery that humans are hosts for many different types of bacteria - collectively these are known as the microbiota/microbiome. Current estimates are that for every human cell in our body, there is a bacterial one. These bacteria can be "bad" and cause disease (e.g. superbugs) but most are "good" bacteria and are beneficial to our well being. These bacteria live in our mouths, on our skin and in our gut and help us metabolise our food and are also thought to play protective roles. A surprising discovery was that the bacteria that live with us produce molecules that allow bacterial and human cells to communicate. One such family of molecules are the SLs - it is highly unusual that human and bacterial cells both make the same molecule and this suggests some sort of evolutionary link. Moreover, it has been calculated that we have several grams of SLs in our gut at any one time and they are making a vital contribution to our health. Recent studies have linked the microbiota to diseases such as diabetes, obesity and cancer. All cells make SLs by a multi-step pathway using simple building blocks - the steps are catalysed (sped up) by molecular machines called enzymes. Research has focussed on the enzymes involved in human SL biosynthesis but very little is known about SL biosynthesis in the microbiota. To fully understand the relationship between us and bacteria we must learn how bacteria make and transport such complex molecules as well as understanding how we metabolise them. We will study how gut and mouth bacteria make SLs with world experts in America and Germany with a collaborator from the UK. We will begin with a study of the enzyme serine palmitoyltransferase (SPT) that uses two main building blocks - an amino acid called L-serine and a long chain fatty acid, to make the first SL intermediate. We will determine the 3D structure of the SPT in each bacterium and compare their shapes and evolution. Of special interest, the structure of the bacterial SLs is unusual and contains distinctive chemical fingerprints and we will investigate their origins by feeding the bacteria heavy versions of the proposed building blocks and tracking their incorporation. Nothing is known about how the microbiota makes unusual branched chain SLs so we will study enzymes that convert can branch-chain amino acids into specific building blocks. Bacteria contain ceramides with an unsusual inositol sugar so we will purify and characterise the enzyme myo-inositol phosphate synthase (MIPS) that uses glucose phosphate as a substrate. At the end of our study we will have begun to define the biosynthetic blueprint of the microbiota. Our results will be of interest to academic microbiologists and chemists as well as those interested in human health. Moreover, a number of drug and healthcare companies are also interested in the microbiome and they could use our knowledge to develop therapies that may have impact on disease and long term well being.
Category Research Grant
Reference BB/V00168X/1
Status Active
Funded period start 01/04/2021
Funded period end 31/03/2024
Funded value £64 849,00

Participating Organisations

Newcastle University

Cette annonce se réfère à une date antérieure et ne reflète pas nécessairement l’état actuel. L’état actuel est présenté à la page suivante : University OF Newcastle Upon Tyne CHARITY, Newcastle upon Tyne, Royaume Uni.

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