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UK funding (203 400 £) : Développement d’une nouvelle solution d’atomisation centrifuge sèche Ukri01/10/2013 UK Research and Innovation, Royaume Uni

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Développement d’une nouvelle solution d’atomisation centrifuge sèche

Abstract Atomising Systems Limited (ASL) proposes to undertake a project to develop a novel metal atomising solution that, if successfully developed, will have a significant impact on the global Powder Metallurgy market (for example Bronze Powder, Thermal Spray Powder etc. supplied into sectors such as automotive, aerospace, pharmaceutical). The technical solution proposed will enable the production of metal powders at an estimated 25% of the cost associated with gas atomisation (without gas recycle) and, as a result of the solution being far more energy efficient, it will produce 75% less CO2 compared to gas atomisation. This project therefore represents a game changing technology for parts of the Powder Metallurgy market. It is anticipated that the powders produced will not only be attractive for existing applications but, due to greatly reduced commodity prices, the use of metal powders could become viable in applications where previously it was not economically/commercially viable – thereby creating new markets. ASL is a world renowned expert in metal powder production technology. It has a significant and unique internal capability in the specialist field of melt atomisation. The project will build on previous small scale experience of a less advanced version of this novel solution and will develop a prototype to optimise and allow the scale up of this solution to enable future production capacity for ASL.
Category GRD Development of Prototype
Reference 720356
Status Closed
Funded period start 01/10/2013
Funded period end 30/09/2015
Funded value £203 400,00

Participating Organisations

Atomising Systems Limited

£203 400,00

Cette annonce se réfère à une date antérieure et ne reflète pas nécessairement l’état actuel. L’état actuel est présenté à la page suivante : Atomising Systems Ltd., Sheffield, Royaume Uni.

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