Moteur de recherche d’entreprises européennes

UK funding (114 326 £) : Spectromètre Raman résolu dans le temps utilisant la technologie de détection en mode Geiger Ukri01/11/2014 UK Research and Innovation, Royaume Uni

Vue d’ensemble


Spectromètre Raman résolu dans le temps utilisant la technologie de détection en mode Geiger

Abstract Raman spectrometers are a common laser based chemical analysing tool used today across both industry and academia. The aim of this project is to a develop a new class of Time resolved Raman spectrometer to remove background fluorescent signals from Raman measurements. Although time resolved measurement is a established method to remove the fluorescent signal current systems are complex and expensive. This novel approach in principle could enable the development of a new hand held instrument for use in the security, pharmaceutical or biological services sector within 5 years. Within this study the team will focus on the production of a proof of concept bench top system, that will be tested against both non fluorescing and fluorescing samples. During the programme potential customer in the security pharmaceutical and biological services sector will be consulted to ensure the development is target at key markets.
Category Feasibility Studies
Reference 131751
Status Closed
Funded period start 01/11/2014
Funded period end 31/12/2015
Funded value £114 326,00

Participating Organisations

Is-Instruments Limited

£74 332,00

University of Leicester

£39 994,00

Cette annonce se réfère à une date antérieure et ne reflète pas nécessairement l’état actuel. L’état actuel est présenté à la page suivante : IS-Instruments Ltd., Tonbridge, Royaume Uni.

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